Pay your AANOS annual dues or other fees using this form.

Your options are...

AANOS Membership Application Fee - $450.00
AANOS Annual Dues - $795.00 beginning in 2024 and $600.00 for prior years.
AFMA Initial Certification Fee - $1,850.00
AFMA Re-Certification Fee (every five years) - $450.00

Full Name *
Payment Purpose
(Dues, Certification, Application Fee) *
Address, City, State
Zipcode *
Enter your email address here. The information you enter will be used to send a receipt. *
Enter the amount you wish to pay... *
Convenience Fee
In order to utilize more of your dues dollars for programs and services, we are adding a small convenience fee to your payment to help cover a portion of credit card transaction processing costs. *

Clear Selection
Total payment to charge to your credit card...

Please Note

If you receive a reply to your submission that indicates "Failed Credit Card Transaction" or "Time out waiting for Processor response," please do not submit again immediately. Check your credit card transactions to see if the transaction went through. Occasionally, certain browsers will give up waiting for a response and it will appear as if your transaction was not processed, even though it was. This is most common when trying to process a transaction on your phone using cellular data.

Note that the inclusion of the term "declined" is different. In this case, your transaction did not in all likelihood get processed.

The ICS-US Section provides administrative services to the AANOS, such as processing credit card payments. All funds collected by ICS-US are reported to and reconciled with the AANOS on a regular basis.


Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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