International College of Surgeons – United States
83rd Annual Surgical Update
Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons
Annual Scientific Meeting
Providence, Rhode Island – April 28 to 30, 2022
Program as of April 18, 2022 (subject to
change – speakers listed in planned presentation order)
Thursday, 4/28/2022, 3pm-6:30pm
Opening Session: Global Surgery 2022 and Featured Lectures
The first session of the conference will feature several special lectures including: The Dr. Andre Crotti Lecture, where you will learn about how Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) has been revolutionary in providing living donor opportunities to recipients; as well as a special lecture by the recipient of an ICS Honorary Fellowship during which the audience will learn about a new technology, Magnetic Surgery. The former ICS World President will provide a lecture that will help the audience understand the various elements of leadership, including personal experiences of examples of things to do and not to do.
The audience will also hear from various speakers on topics related to Global Surgery and humanitarian activities. Included will be informative lectures about endeavors of not only ICS members, but others in various parts of the world. A presentation from a relatively new group about the role of students and trainees in global surgery will also be included. Participants will gain a better understanding of the topics presented and be able to determine whether additional investigation is needed.
Moderators: Muriel
Cleary, MD & Demetrius Litwin, MD
Honorary Fellow Lecture
Magnetic Surgery: Is It Ready for Prime
Michel Gagner,
Chief of Surgery, Westmount Square Surgical Center, Westmount Senior Consultant, Hopital du Sacre Coeur, Montreal - Westmount, QC, Canada
The Dr. Andre Crotti Lecture
The Global Evolution of Kidney Paired
Donation for Patients with ESRD
Matthew Cooper,
Professor of Surgery, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Director, Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation; Director, Transplant Quality; Medstar Georgetown Transplant Institute - Washington, DC
Leadership in Surgery: Lessons Learnt (and
still learning)
Georgios Tsoulfas,
Professor of Transplantation Surgery, Chief Department of Transplantation Surgery, Aristotle University School of Medicine - Thessaloniki, Greece
Development of Czech Medicine and Surgery and its Current
Karel Novák, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery (pensioner), Charles University Prague; Medical Faculty Pilsen, Palacky University Olomouc; West Bohemian University, Pilsen; Kliniken Nordoberpfalz, Weiden, Germany (Univ. Regensburg) – Rokycany, Czech Republic
Building Collaborative Partnerships with an Eye Towards
Robert Riviello, MD,
Associate Professor of Surgery, Associate Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School - Boston, MA
Barnabas Alayande, MBBS, MBA
General Surgery Senior Registrar, West African College of Surgeons – Kigali, Rwanda
Striving for Equity in Global Surgery: the
Role of the Needs Assessment
Erin Scott, MD
Global Surgery Research Fellow, General Surgery Resident, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School - Worcester, MA
The Development of Pediatric Surgery in Rwanda as a Model
for Global Health
Michael Curci, MD
Retired General Surgery Residency Program Director, Maine Medical Center – Portland, ME
Pediatric Injuries During Wartime Require
Efforts to Support Pediatric Surgical Trainings
Kathryn Campos,
Independent/Academic Student Researcher University of Washington School of Medicine, Dept. of Surgery and Harborview Injury Prevention Program - Seattle, WA
Quality of Life of Patients After
Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Soba University Hospital, Sudan
Mohammed Adam,
MHPE, Teaching assistant, University of Khartoum - Khartoum, Sudan
WSF Honduras is now a Reality: It took 20
years but it is worth the effort!
Domingo T. Alvear,
Chairman, World Surgical Foundation - Mechanicsburg, PA
InciSioN; The Future of The Operating Room
Katayoun Madani,
Global Surgery Fellow, Sadanah Trauma and Surgical Initiative, Chicago - Paradise Valley, AZ
Friday, 4/29/2022, 8am-9:45am
AANOS Annual Scientific Meeting Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1
The United States Section of ICS (ICSUS) is proud to continue its long standing relationship with the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (the Academy). As such, the Academy has designated the ICSUS Annual Surgical Update as its Annual Scientific Meeting. Working closely with the members of the Academy to determine professional practice gaps and educational need, ICSUS planners representing these two major surgical specialties are developing two days of programming. Participants in this first session will receive valuable updates on the diagnosis and most advanced treatment options for a variety of Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic conditions. Learners will have a better understanding about the latest treatment options for Lumbar Central Stenosis, Fractures of the Scaphoid, Thoracolumbar Burst/Compression Fractures, as well as Knee and Hip issues. An update on new research related to the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease will also be provided.
Learners in this session will obtain information to appropriately determine whether further more advanced educational initiatives are required in order to effectively implement the provided information into practice.
Moderators: Sudhir
Rao, MD & Lucia Zamorano, MD
Minimally Invasive Decompressive Surgery
for Lumbar Central Stenosis
Lucia Zamorano,
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine - Birmingham, MI
Management of Thoracolumbar
Burst/Compression Fractures
Craig Clark,
Neurosurgeon, Greenwood Leflore Hospital - Greenwood, MS
Knee and Hip Tips and Tricks
Matthew E. Deren,
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Massachusetts Medical School, UMass Memorial Medical Center - Worcester, MA
Fractures of the Scaphoid. Case Study and Review of Treatment Options
Sudhir Rao,
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Big Rapids Orthopaedics PC - Big Rapids, MI
Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem
Cells Improved Cognitive Function in Alzheimer’s Disease
Hisakazu Yamagishi,
Professor, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine - Kyoto, Japan
Friday, 4/29/2022, 8am-9:45am
Transplantation Surgery: Global Perspectives
Participants in this session will be provided with intensive instruction on several essential elements in transplant surgery such as; Transplant Oncology, Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowships, Xenotransplantation, Donation After Circulatory Death and Technology in Transplantation. Upon completion of the course, surgeons of all specialties will have a better more comprehensive understanding of the various topics related to transplant surgery presented during the symposium.
Moderators: Peter
Kennealey, MD & Dinesh Ranjan, MD
Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship: A
pot-pourri of domestic and international trainees
Megan Adams,
Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado Hospital - Aurora, CO
Transplant Oncology: An Evolving International Field
Kristopher Croome,
Professor of Surgery, Mayo Clinic Florida - Jacksonville, FL
Donation After Circulatory Death: The
International Transplant Community Leaving the USA Behind
Trevor Nydam,
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine - Aurora, CO
Is Xenotransplantation the Future of Organ
Reza Saidi, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery, SUNY Upstate Medical University – Manlius, NY
The Role of Technology in Transplantation
Georgios Tsoulfas,
Professor of Transplantation Surgery, Chief Department of Transplantation Surgery, Aristotle University School of Medicine - Thessaloniki, Greece
Friday, 4/29/2022, 10am-12pm
Advances in Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery
In this special joint session, the members of the AANOS will join their colleagues from ICS to learn about several extremely interesting developments in Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery. Leaners will receive information about the latest in Total Hip Replacement, Cubital Tunnel Release, Endoscopic Spine Surgery and, Computerized Surgeon Assessment.
Upon completion of this session specialists in the topics covered will be able to determine whether the treatment options presented should be considered for certain situations. Leaners who do not practice Neurological or Orthopaedic Surgery will be able to more effectively make referrals for their patients who may require management of the maladies covered.
Moderators: Mark
Perlmutter, MD & Lucia Zamorano, MD
Better, Stronger, Faster: Intraoperative
Methodological Computerized Surgeon Assessment
Saikiran Murthy,
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery and Orthopedics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center - Bronx, NY
Neurosurgical Keynote Lecture
Advances in Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Albert Telfeian,
Professor and Vice Chair
Quality Assurance, Department of Neurosurgery; Director, Center for Minimally
Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery, Warren Alpert School of Medicine, Brown University
- Providence, RI
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome- Historical and
Current Management Trends
Katayoun Madani,
Global Surgery Fellow,
Sadanah Trauma and Surgical Initiative, Chicago - Paradise Valley, AZ
Endoscopic Cubital Tunnel Release
Manuel DaSilva,
Associate Professor, Director Medical Student Education, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, Alpert Medical School at Brown University - Providence, RI
Outpatient Anterior Total Hip Replacement
Eric Cohen,
Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Brown University - East Providence, RI
Friday, 4/29/2022, 1pm-1:30pm
Honors Luncheon
Physician Financial Wellness: Understanding
How Financial Advisors Work & Conflicts to Avoid
Andrew Taylor,
Wealth Advisor, OJM Group, LLC; Member Financial Planning Association - Cincinnati, OH
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 8am-12pm
AANOS Annual Scientific Meeting Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2
Participants in this second session will receive updates on the diagnosis and treatment options for a variety of Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic maladies. Learners will be informed about and have the ability to discuss the following with the presenters: sarcopenia; high strength suture materials; the American Board of Neurological and Neurosurgical Critical Care; sagittal malalignment; pilocytic astrocytoma; sub-axial cervical facet subluxation; intracerebral injury and minimally invasive TLIF.
Moderators: Mohammad
Janjua, MD & Lucia Zamorano, MD
Correction of Sagittal Malalignment with L5
Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy:
A Cadaveric Study
Muhammad Janjua,
Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery - Poplar Grove, IL
Minimally Invasive TLIF as Outpatient
Lucia Zamorano,
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine - Birmingham, MI
High Strength Suture Materials in
Orthopedic Practice
Naga Cheppalli,
Assistant Professor of
Orthopedic Surgery
University of New Mexico - Albuequerque, NM
Sarcopenia and Low Back Pain
Amit Bhandarkar,
Orthopedic Spine and Pain Sugeon SSM Health Centralia IL. - Wildwood, MO
An Introduction to the American Board of
Neurological and Neurosurgical Critical Care
Craig Clark,
Neurosurgeon, Greenwood Leflore
Hospital - Greenwood, MS
Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma of Brain
Muhammad Janjua,
Assistant Professor University of Illinois Chicago - Poplar Grove, IL
Management of Traumatic Sub-axial Cervical
Facet Subluxation - Techniques and Approaches
Gazanfar Rahmathulla,
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical Director of Neurosurgical Trauma, University of Florida College of Medicine , Jacksonville, Florida - Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
The Role of Neuropeptide Agents in
Intracerebral Injury Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Francis Samonte,
Senior Research Associate, National Institute of Health - San Diego, CA
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 8am-9:45am
Rural Surgery: A Global View
Practicing surgery in a rural community is very different from being a surgeon in a big city. Large hospitals have not only more resources, but greater capacity than smaller community hospitals, which must alter how they manage unexpected increases in case load or patients.
During this session, you will hear from speakers who have experienced the challenges, as well as the rewards of being a rural surgeon. Those interested in a career in rural surgery will have a better understanding of what the requirements, are as well as the opportunities available. If you are not currently contemplating a career in rural surgery this session may aid in your decision making process.
Moderators: Melissa
Johnson, MD & Thav Thambi-Pillai, MD
Surely the appendicitis did not go away!
Acute appendicitis during the Covid lockdown. A rural hospital perspective and
discussion of comparable effects in Europe and Asia.
Saptarshi Biswas,
Attending Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, Trauma and Surgical Critical care, Associate Program Director, General Surgery Residency, Grand Strand Medical Center - Myrtle Beach, SC
Breast Cancer Surgery and Breast Cancer
Care in Resource Poor Areas
Mehra Golshan,
Professor of Surgery (Oncology), Yale School of Medicine; Executive Vice Chair Department of Surgery, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Yale Cancer Center - Southport, CT
Do Surgically
Austere Environments Really Exist?
Faran Bokhari,
Professor of Surgery at Rush University Medical School; Chairman of Trauma Surgery, Cook County Hospital - Chicago, IL
The Value of Global surgery and Rural surgery training in
Urban Academic Centers
Edie Chan,
Associate Professor of Surgery Rush University Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Surgical Philanthropy - How to Operate
Ravi Kothuru,
Residency Program Director, Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Associate Chairman Department of Surgery; The Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 10am-11am
General Plenary Session
ICSUS CME programs are rich in diversity and represent many surgical specialties. This multidisciplinary educational session seeks to provide content that improves the learner’s overall competence, performance or patient outcomes through interaction with peers. ICSUS encourages participants from all specialties to interact and learn from one another, thereby building a broad base of knowledge. In this short session developed from abstract submissions of ICS Fellows and others, presentations will cover the following topics: abdominal wall hernias, treatments for liver cancer, and central venous occlusion.
Moderators: John
Kelly, MD & Dixon Santana, MD
Management of Abdominal Wall Hernias
Anthony N. Dardano,
Chief of Plastic Surgery Trauma, Associate Professor of Surgery, Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton, FL
Personalized Treatments for Liver Cancer
Tobias Raabe,
Research Assistant Professor, Director, Translational Medicine Laboratory University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
Central Venous Occlusion's Impact on
Patients on Hemodialysis
Ehab Sorial,
Associate Professor of Surgery, Stanford University - Los Gatos, CA
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 11am-12pm
Annual Ethics Forum
Unvaccinated in Need of Transplant: To Transplant or Not, That is the Question!
During this session, the audience will be provided with two perspectives on the topic of transplantation in patients who are in need of an organ transplant, but are refusing the COVID vaccine. The speakers will address this controversy through the lens of the five main ethical principles. Topics to be covered will include policies motivated by utility, stewardship, and beneficence on one side and policies that emphasize justice and respect for persons, and seek to avoid worsening inequities or medical coercion on the other side. Following the speaker presentations there will be ample time for discussion and audience participation.
Moderators: Mayur
Narayan, MD & Ehab Sorial, MD
Babak Movahedi, MD,
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Chief, Division of Organ Transplant Surgery, UMass Memorial Medical Center – Worcester, MA
Paul Morrissey, MD
Professor of Surgery, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University; Director, Division of Organ Transplantation, Rhode Island Hospital – Providence, RI
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 1:30pm-4pm
Trauma and Critical Care Surgery in 2022
The latest on Trauma and Critical Care Surgery will be presented in this annual forum, along with a variety of unique cases and how they were handled. The audience will be made aware of what can be encountered in critical care situations and will have a better understanding of what to do if they come across similar cases. Featured will be topics on geriatric trauma, COVID 19 issues, blast injury, injury related to intoxication and care in a tertiary care hospital.
Moderators: Joshua
Mammen, MD & Sharique Nazir, MD
Trauma Care in a Tertiary Care Hospital in
Ahmad Abdul Hai,
Former Professor and HoD Surgery, Patna Medical College, Patna Bihar, India; Presently Director General Surgery, Paras HMRI Hospital, Bailey Road - Patna, Bihar, India
Thoracic Trauma
Loren Harris,
Clinical Associate Professor of
Surgery, SUNY Downstate College of Medicine - Staten Island, NY
Trauma Care During The COVID 19 Pandemic
Robert Davis,
Director of Trauma/ Surgical Critical Care, Harlem Hospital Center - NY, NY
Blast Injury
LTC Robert Madlinger,
Chief of Trauma, Acute and Surgical
Critical Care, Mohawk Valley Health System, Utica, NY; Commander 1st Forward
Resusitative Surgicalteam USAR USARC - Washington,
Mechanism of Injury in Intoxicated Trauma
Patients by Sex and Age Over Time
Anthony Kopatsis,
Senior Surgical Staff, ICAHN School of Medicine at Mount SInai/Elmhurst - New York, NY
Saturday, 4/30/2022, 4pm-5:30pm
Annual Research Scholarship Competition
Surgical Residents and Medical Students will participate in this annual contest. Submissions will initially be judged by the Scholarship Committee. Qualifying candidates will then make an oral presentation during the Annual Surgical Update. Oral presentations will also be judged by a special panel during the meeting in Providence. Scores will be combined to determine the winners of various prizes (including a monetary grand prize). Attendees will be presented with fascinating information by some of the brightest young minds in medicine.
Moderators: Katayoun
Madani, MD & Tracy Sambo, MD
Outcomes and their State-Level Variation in
Patients Undergoing Surgery with Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the USA:
A Prospective Multicenter Study
Osaid Alser,
MD, MSc (Oxon)
General Surgery Resident, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Lubbock, TX
Chlorhexidine Gluconate Wound Irrigation
and Surgical Site Infections in Renal Transplant Patient
Michael Burt,
General Surgery Resident, University of South Dakota - Sioux Falls, SD
Abdominal Perforation as a Complication of
Tocilizumab use in COVID-19 positive
Maaria Chaudhry,
Saint Louis University - New Castle, DE
A SIR Mathematical Model of Previous
COVID-19 Strains to Analyze Delta Variant Spread
Alexandra Close
Student, University of Maryland, College Park - Olney, MD
Outcomes and Efficacy of MRI-compatible
Sacral Nerve Stimulator for Management of Fecal Incontinence
Binit Katuwal,
Surgery Resident, Providence Hospital, Southfield, Michigan - Royal Oak, MI
Mortality Risk Factors in Patients Admitted
with Tracheostomy Complications
Lior Levy,
New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY - Valhalla, NY
Mortality in GI Adhesions with Obstruction:
A 10-year Study of 115,012 Patients
Akash Thaker,
Medical Student, New York
Medical College - Valhalla, NY
Virtual Sessions
Contemporary Issues in Surgical Oncology
The field of surgical oncology is constantly changing with new therapeutic strategies being introduced rapidly. Additionally, with the identification of new genetic mutations, diagnostic strategies also have evolved. As such, surgeons who care for oncology patients need ongoing education to remain contemporaneous in the field.
Participants in this session will learn various current diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to care for oncology patients. Areas covered will include melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and thyroid cancer. Upon completion of the session participants will have increased their knowledge of contemporary oncologic diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Surgical Update - Pancreatic Cancer
Michael Jacobs,
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Ascension Providence Michigan State University CHM - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Surgical Management of Melanoma in the Era
of Effective Systemic Therapies
Joshua Mammen,
Professor of Surgery, University of Nebraska - Omaha, NE
Breast Cancer Update
Colleen Murphy,
Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine - Denver, CO
Contemporary Management of
Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Jessica Shank,
Assistant Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of General Surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha, NE
Vascular Surgery 2022
Assorted presentations related to vascular surgery will provide learners with the latest information about those topics. Leaners will have a better understanding of these issues and be able to either implement the treatments discussed after more investigation or make better recommendations to patients with regard to available options to be provided by an appropriate specialist.
Management of Axillo-subclavian Arterial Injuries at
the Puerto Rico Trauma Hospital
Fernándo Joglar,
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine - San Juan, PR
New Developments in Aortic Dissection
William Shutze,
Vascular Surgeon - Plano, TX
Up-to-date Approach to Lower Extremity Wounds Management
Ehab Sorial,
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Stanford University - Los Gatos,
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Symposium
The latest advances in
reconstructive plastic surgery will be presented during this symposium.
Learners will learn about and have a better understanding of: orthoplastic management
of extremity wounds; reconstruction with negative pressure therapy; and
negative pressure wound therapy.
Orthoplastic Approach to The Management of Complex
Extremity Wounds
Castrellon, MD
Program Director, Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency Program, Larkin Community Hospital Palm Spring Campus – Miami, FL
Improving Surgical Outcomes Utilizing Negative Pressure
Wound Therapy
Anthony N.
Dardano, Jr., DO
Chief of Plastic Surgery, Trauma
Associate Professor of Surgery, Florida Atlantic University – Boca Raton, FL
Optimizing Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction with Negative
Pressure Therapy
Devinder Singh,
Chief and Program Director, Division of Plastic Surgery; Professor of Clinical Surgery; University of Miami Health Systems - Miami, FL
Panel Discussion - Orthopaedic Devices: Inequities, Challenges and Opportunities
There is a crisis of affordability and availability of orthopaedic implants for managing musculoskeletal trauma in LMICs resulting in serious morbidity, loss of income and financial catastrophe for patients. HICs also face challenges to reduce spiraling costs to patients. Multiple workarounds/practices are employed by patients and surgeons; some of which are dangerous and desperate. This panel discusses the current solutions to these problems, their pros and cons, ethics, and legislation. These discussions will be contrasted between HICs and LMICs. Also discussed will be proposed new solutions that will cohesively involve multiple stakeholders such as legislators, manufacturers and surgeons.
Kiran Agarwal-Harding,
Harvard Global Orthopaedics
Collaborative, Boston, MA - New York,
Sayed Shah, MBChB
Associate; Warshow, Sheikh
and Associates, Aga Khan University Hospital - Nairobi
Linda Chokotho, MBBS, MPH, PhD
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Malawi
University of Science and Technology - Blantyre, Malawi
Girish Gangan,
MS (Ind Engg), BE (Prod Engg)
Chief Operating Officer, Uma Surgicals - Mumbai, India
Chris Lavy,
Professor of Orthopaedic and Tropical Surgery, NDORMS, University of Oxford - Oxford, UK
Emmanuel Makasa,
Adjunct Professor of Global
Surgery & Founding Director SADC
-Wits Regional Collaboration Centre for Surgical Healthcare Department of
Surgery , School of Clinical Medicine; Faculty of Health Sciences, University
of the Witwatersrand - Johannesburg,
South Africa
Claude Martin,
Managing Director, AO Alliance Foundation - Thalwil, Switzerland
Irene Yang,
BEng, BMedSci (Hons I)
DPhil; Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre, Oxford University – Oxford, UK
Lewis Zirkle, MD
Founder and President, SIGN Fracture Care International - Richland, WA
International Scholarship Competition
Residents and Medical
Students training outside of the United States will participate in this new
competition. A wide variety of topics will be covered that will highlight
various aspects of surgery that are not necessarily common here in America.
Participants are training in locations such as India, Sierra Leone and Grenada.
Topics presented will include discussions about COVID, diversity, breast cancer, surgical documentation and intestinal ischemia.
Intestinal Ischemia and COVID-19
Darshan B M,
Junior Resident, Vijayanagara Institute of Medical Sciences, India
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Clinical
Year Students at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University
of Sierra Leone.
Abdul Karim Bah
Medical Student, College of Medicine And Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Reasons for delay in presentation of breast
cancer patients at a tertiary hospital in Sierra Leone
Ahmeda Kalla-Kalokoh
Medical Student, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Underneath These White Coats: A Promotion
of Diversity Awareness Amongst Medical Students
Quentin Olivacce
Incision Director of Diversity and Inclusion, St. Georges University, Grenada
A Closed-loop Clinical Audit on Surgical
Documentation at a Tertiary Level Hospital in India: Where Do We Stand?
Akatya Vidushi Sinha
Final year, MBBS Student, MGM Medical College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India