82nd Annual Surgical Update
Annual Scientific Meeting
Airport Hotel
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Final Scientific Program
listed in the planned order of presentation as of June 17, 2021.
Thursday 6/24/2021 3pm-6pm
Opening Session Global Surgery and Surgical Mission Work
A primary part of the mission of the International
College of Surgeons is to provide humanitarian service to those in need. During
this session, participants will hear from a number of individuals who will
share their experiences in Global Surgery. Included will be presentations
covering: Surgical Challenges; Success Stories; Improving Health Equity;
Capacity Building; Developing a GI Tumor Board and Sustainable Global Health.
Participants will gain a better understanding of how the covered topics impact
global surgery and mission work, thus allowing those who undertake these
efforts to provide improved care during these important humanitarian projects.
Moderators: Mamta Swaroop, MD and Thav
Thambi-Pillai, MD
Global Health in Surgery: Lessons Learned from the ACS Collaborative
Girma Tefera, MD, Madison, WI
Faculty, University of
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Medical Director of Operation
Giving Back (ACS)
Developing a GI Tumor Board
Virtually in a Developing Country
Kumaresan Sandrasegaran, MD, Phoenix, AZ
Professor of Radiology,
Mayo Clinic Arizona
Providing Pathology Expertise
for Capacity Building and Cancer Care
Yasodha Natkunam, MD, PhD, Stanford, CA
Ronald F. Dorfman Endowed Professor in Hematopathology,
Stanford University School of Medicine
World Surgical Foundation
Philippines: A Success Story
Domingo T. Alvear, MD,
Mechanicsburg, PA
Retired Chief of Pediatric
Surgery, UPMC
Global Surgery – The
Jamaican Map
B'jorn Blackwood, MBBS, Kingston,
Medical Officer, Kingston
and St. Andrew Health Department, Ministry of Health and Wellness
Establishing a “National”
Underserved Rotation during General Surgery Residency
Benjamin Jarman, MD, La
Crosse, WI
Gundersen Medical Foundation - General Surgery Residency Program,
Director Gundersen Health System - Board of Trustees
The Expansion of Surgical
Care Services is Essential in Improving Health Equity
Kathryn Campos, BA, Everett,
Independent Student
Researcher, University of Washington, School of Medicine - Dept. of Surgery,
Harborview Injury Prevention Program
in the Developing World
Sean Dupont, MD, Sioux Falls,
Clinical Assistant
Professor of Surgery - University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls VA Medical
A Rural General Surgery
Resident’s Guide to Volunteering Internationally
Elizabeth Jacob, MD, Cooperstown,
PGY3 General Surgery
Resident, Bassett Medical Center
Surgical Challenges: A
Surgeon’s Perspective from the Developing World
Suman Baral, MD, Tansen, Nepal
Assistant Professor, Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital Ltd
Friday 6/25/2021 8am-12pm
AANOS Annual Scientific Meeting Neurological
and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1
The United States Section of ICS (ICSUS) is proud to
continue its long standing relationship with the American Academy of
Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (the Academy). As such, the Academy has
designated the ICSUS Annual Surgical Update as its Annual Scientific Meeting.
Working closely with the members of the Academy to determine professional
practice gaps and educational need, ICSUS planners representing these two major
surgical specialties are developing two days of programming. Participants in this
first session will receive valuable updates on the diagnosis and most advanced
treatment options for a variety of Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic conditions.
Learners will have a better understanding about the latest treatment options
for glioblastoma, hydrocephalus and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
Updates on wide awake hand surgery and the use of MIS expandable inter-body
cages will also be provided.
Learners in this session will obtain information to
appropriately determine whether further more advanced educational initiatives
are required in order to effectively implement the provided information into
their practice.
Moderators: Mark N. Perlmutter, MD and
Lucia Zamorano, MD
Trends in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 2021
Mark N. Perlmutter, MD, Rocky
Mount, NC
Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Carolinas Regional Orthopedics
Use of MIS Expandable Interbody Cages to Optimize TLIF
Outcomes and Segmental Corrections
Lucia Zamorano, MD,
Birmingham, MI
Clinical Professor of
Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Wide Awake Hand Surgery in
Robert Van Demark, Jr., MD,
Sioux Falls, SD
Clinical Professor of
Orthopedic Surgery/Section Head University of South Dakota Sanford School of
Medicine Sanford Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
CSF Flow Dynamics: Do we
really understand CSF flow?
Shawn Vuong,
MD, Sioux Falls, SD
Clinical Instructor
Department of Surgery University of South Dakota
Surgical Therapies for
Clark Chen, MD, Minneapolis,
Chair, Dept. of
Neurosurgery - University of Minnesota
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal
Hyperostosis (DISH) and Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: Is There a Need for
Gazanfar Rahmathulla, MBBS (MD), Jacksonville, FL
Clinical Assistant
Professor of Neurosurgery and Medical Director of Neurosurgery Trauma,
University of
Novel Direct Oral
Anticoagulants: A Review of Specific and Nonspecific Means of Reversal
Craig Clark, MD, PhD,
Carrollton, MS
Neurosurgeon, AANOS Past
Chair of the Board
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis
of a Limping Child
Maxime J. Coles, MD, Boca
Raton, FL
Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatologist
Friday 6/25/2021 8am-10:00am
Clinical Telemedicine Around the World: From Ad Hoc
Medicine to Modus Operandi
Health care professionals now use telemedicine tools to
evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a distance using modern telecommunications
technology. This healthcare delivery system has changed dramatically in the
past 10 years, especially since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now
considered by many as an extremely important and necessary aspect of
healthcare. This international panel will provide the latest information about
how telemedicine is being used around the world.
Upon completion of this session, learners will have a
better understanding of how telemedicine is used in other parts of the world as
well as here in the United States. Presentation of the most recent information
from South Africa and India is planned. The future of telemedicine beyond the
COVID pandemic will also be contemplated.
Moderators: Rifat Latifi, MD and
Demetrius Litwin, MD
Telemedicine in Northern America: Where do we stand?
Ronald Weinstein, MD, Tucson,
The Arizona Telemedicine
Program, University of Arizona Health Sciences
Telemedicine in Africa
Maurice Mars, MBChB, MD, Umhlanga Rocks, South Africa
Emeritus Professor of TeleHealth at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
Telemedicine in the Balkans
and Cabo Verde: Tales from Two Continents
Rifat Latifi, MD, Hawthorne,
Chair and Professor of Surgery;
Director, Department of Surgery; Program Director, Surgical Critical Care
Fellowship; Chief of General Surgery; Westchester Medical Center
Technology Enabled Remote
Health Care in India in Public Private Partnership Mode
Krishnan Ganapathy, MD, Chennai,
Director Apollo
Telemedicine Networking Foundation; Director, Apollo Tele Health Services;
Honorary Distinguished
Professor Tamilnadu Dr MGR
Medical University
Friday 6/25/2021 10:15am-12pm
General Plenary Session
Representing multiple surgical specialties, ICSUS CME
programs are rich in diversity. The multidisciplinary educational sessions presented,
seek to provide content that improves the learner’s competence, performance or
patient outcomes through interaction with peers. ICSUS encourages participants
from all specialties to interact and learn from one another, thereby building a
broad base of knowledge. In this session compiled from abstracts submitted by
ICS Fellows and others, presentations will cover issues related to a variety of
topics including: Pediatric Transplant, Closed Incision Negative Pressure
Therapy, Metastatic Melanoma, Post-Hepatectomy
Biliary Complications, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Severe Cholecystitis, Lower Extremity Tibial
Arterial Disease and, Endorectal Advancement Flap for
Complex Anal Fistulas.
Moderators: Joshua Mammen, MD and Ehab Sorial,
Novel Modification of the Endorectal Advancement Flap
for Complex Anal Fistulas: Surgical Technique and
Rebekah Wood, MD, Sioux
Falls, SD
General Surgery Resident
Management of Lower
Extremity Tibial Arterial Disease: Where Are We and Where
Are We Heading?
Ehab Sorial, MD, Los Gatos,
Associate Professor of
Management of Post-Hepatectomy Biliary Complications
Michael J. Jacobs, MD,
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Clinical Professor of
Surgery, Michigan State University CHM
Incision and Surrounding
Soft Tissue Management of the Breast Using Closed Incision Negative Pressure
with Full-Coverage Dressings
Anthony N. Dardano, Jr., DO,
Boca Raton, FL
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Florida Atlantic University, Chief of Plastic Surgery Trauma, Delray
Providing Excellent
Outcomes for Pediatric Transplant Recipients in a Geographic Catchment Area of
Square Miles
Megan Adams, MD, Denver, CO
Assistant Professor of Surgery
University of Colorado Children's Hospital of Colorado
Metastatic Melanoma-Long
Term Survival
Raymond A. Dieter, Jr., MD,
MPH, Glen Ellyn, IL
Researcher U of I
Surgical Techniques to Achieve
Safety Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Severe Cholecystitis
Kung-Kai Kuo,
MD, PhD, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
President of ICS-Taiwan
Section; Professor in Surgery, University of Kaohsiung Medical University
Friday 6/25/2021 1pm-1:30pm
Honors Luncheon The Dr. Andre Crotti Lecture
Dr. Andre J. Crotti was the first President of the US
Section (1937) and the second ICS World President (1938). Dr. Crotti, a
founding member of the College, is credited with the development of the College
motto: Pro omni humanitate
[for all humankind]. Dr. Crotti’s abundant
contributions to the profession of surgery and the growth, success and
prosperity of our United States Section are without question. He will serve as
an admirable example for years to come to all those who are selected to receive
The Dr. Andre Crotti Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession of
Surgery. During this special luncheon presentation, this year’s award recipient
will share his life-long philosophy on education, whether for students,
residents, patients or co-workers.
Moderator: Thav Thambi-Pillai, MD
Learning Requires....Assessment!
David R. Farley, MD, Tower,
Emeritus Professor of
Surgery, Mayo Clinic
Friday 6/25/2021 1:30pm-3:30pm
Managing Trauma and Emergency General Surgery
Participants in this session will hear from a number of
experts about various aspects of trauma and emergency general surgery primarily
from a rural surgery perspective. Presentations will include information about:
education; continuation of care; disparities in care; emergency medical
services; critical care; trauma recidivism and; trauma resuscitation.
Moderators: Harry Anderson, III, MD and
Tracy Sambo, MD
Disparities in Trauma Care: A Heavy Burden with Minimal Resource
Alexandra Reitz, MD, Atlanta,
Resident Physician,
Department of Surgery, Emory University
Improving Communication
Between Critical Access Hospitals and Regional Trauma Centers
Brian Schneider, MD,
Amarillo, TX
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Texas Tech University Health Science Center
Critical Care in a Rural
Setting - What is Possible - What is not!
John Weigelt, MD, DVM, MMA, Lead, SD
Professor of Surgery,
University of South Dakota, Sanford School of Medicine
Rural Trauma Education and Training
Wilfred Chapleau, EMT-p, RN, TNS, Chicago Heights,
Partner, International PreHospital
Medicine Institute, Director of Performance Improvement - American College of
Surgeons (Retired), Chief of Chicago Heights Fire Department and Manager Emergency Services and Disaster Agency
Trauma Recidivism in a
Rural ACS Level 1 Trauma Center. Has the Paradigm Shifted? Are Elderly Adults
More at Risk?
Saptarshi Biswas, MD, Myrtle Beach, SC
Attending Trauma Surgeon,
Department of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care, Grand
Strand Medical Center
Rural Trauma: The Continuum
of Care
Peter Pons, MD, Brighton, CO
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Trauma Resuscitation
Lance Stuke,
MD, MPH, New Orleans, LA
Professor of Surgery,
General Surgery Program Director, LSU Department of Surgery
Medical Services
Michael Hunter, NRP, TP-C, Holden, MA
Deputy Chief EMS, UMass
Memorial Medical Center
Friday 6/25/2021 3:30pm-5:30pm
COVID-19: Lessons Learned
During this session the faculty will present some of the most important lessons
that have been learned about COVID-19. Included will be anecdotal evidence as
well as clinical data covering the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the
disease from the perspective of not only the United States, but also other
parts of the world. The effects of COVID-19
on surgery and other aspects of health care will also be addressed. Perhaps
most importantly for ICS, as well as other organizations that have an
international focus, will be a presentation that addresses how the pandemic
will likely impact global surgery.
Moderators: Demetrius
Litwin, MD and Siva Vithiananthan, MD
Manpower Deployment at an Academic Medical Center
Anne Larkin, MD, Shrewsbury, MA
Associate Professor of Surgery, Vice Chair of Education,
Department of Surgery, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Management in Rwanda, Perspective of a low-income country
Jennifer Rickard, MD, MPH,
Minneapolis, MN
Professor of Surgery,
University of Minnesota Honorary Professor, University of Rwanda
COVID-19: We are
All Safety Net Hospitals
Ketan Sheth, MD, Cambridge, MA
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Novel Surgical Response to
the Pandemic: Mobilization of Thoracic Surgery
Feiran Lou, MD, MS, Worcester, MA
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, UMass Memorial Medical Center
Novel Surgical Response to
the Pandemic: Mobilization of Vascular Surgery
Dejah Judelson, MD,
Worcester, MA
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University of
Post-Surgical Outcomes in
Hannah Buettner,
MD, Worcester, MA
Research Fellow, University
of Massachusetts Medical School
The Harsh Reality of the Lockdown:
Increased Domestic Violence During the Early Peak Phase of COVID 19
A Rural Level 1 Trauma Center Experience
Saptarshi Biswas, MD, Myrtle Beach, SC
Attending Trauma Surgeon,
Department of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care, Grand
Medical Center
Economic Effects on Acute Care Surgery in a New York City Public Hospital
During the COVID Pandemic
Anthony Kopatsis,
MD, Elmhurst, NY
Senior Staff, ICAHN School
of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The Long-Term Implications
of the COVID-19 Pandemic and What it Means for Global
Robert Finberg, MD,
Worcester, MA
Professor of Medicine,
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Saturday 6/26/2021 8am-12pm
AANOS Annual Scientific Meeting Neurological
and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2
Participants in this second session will receive updates
on the diagnosis and treatment options for a variety of Neurosurgical and
Orthopaedic maladies. Learners will receive information about: Circumferential
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy; Cerebellar Arteriovenous Malformations; and
Nerve Sheath Meningiomas. In addition, the following
will be discussed: clinical results of various types of high-density
polyethylene used in total knee replacement; integrating pain related
interventional procedures in a spine practice; an effective, available, affordable
model for laboratory surgical training; and gamma knife radiosurgery.
Moderators: Sudhir Rao, MD and William
Welch, MD
Pain Related Interventional Procedures in a Spine Practice
Amit Bhandarkar, MD, Herrin,
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon,
St. Mary's Hospital Centralia
Treatment of Tarlov Cysts
William C. Welch, MD,
Philadelphia, PA
Professor of Neurosurgery
and Orthopaedic Surgery, Penn Medicine; Chair, Department of Neurosurgery at
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
and Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy for the Treatment of AIDS-Related
Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Andres Alvarez Pinzon, MD,
PhD, MHA, San Mateo, CA
Sr. Research Program
Manager, University California, San Francisco Fellow, Vascular Neurosurgery and
Skull Base Lan, UCSF Consultant Director, Health Sciences Research, Miami
Neurosciences Center at Larkin
Management of Soft Tissue
Edema in the Lower Extremity using Circumferential Negative Pressure Wound
Therapy: A Case report
Anthony N. Dardano, Jr., DO,
Boca Raton, FL
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Florida Atlantic University, Chief of Plastic Surgery Trauma, Delray
Cerebellar Arteriovenous
Malformations: Treatment Strategy
Jesseca R. Pirkle, BS, Rockford, IL
Medical Student, University
of Illinois College of Medicine
Update on Current
Utilization of Nutraceuticals
Marc Stevens, MD, State Road,
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Primary Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas
Craig Clark, MD, PhD,
Carrollton, MS
Neurosurgeon, AANOS Past
Chair of the Board
Know your Plastic
Naga Suresh Cheppalli, MD,
Albuquerque, NM
Asst. Professor of UNM, Albuequrque; Staff
Orthopedic Surgeon VA Hospital
Saturday 6/26/2021 8am-10am
Rural Surgery: Training and in Practice
A hospital in a rural area typically serves fewer than
50,000 residents and typically over a great distance. While the total number of
overall cases may be smaller, the cases that a general surgeon may need to
address, are far more varied and will typically include procedures that a
specialist would treat in a metropolitan area. During this session,
participants will learn about the requirements of a general surgical career in
a rural setting. Topics covered will include: management of several specific
issues; special training; challenges; simulation and; shortfalls in current
training programs.
Moderators: Melissa Johnson, MD and Thav
Thambi-Pillai, MD
the Shortfalls of Current General Surgical Training for Rural Surgery Practices
Brian Schneider, MD,
Amarillo, TX
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Texas Tech University Health Science Center
The Role of Simulation in
Surgical Training
Mariela Rivera, MD,
Rochester, MN
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, Mayo Clinic
Training a Rural General
Gary Timmerman, MD, Sioux
Falls, SD
Professor and Chair,
Department of Surgery, USD Sanford Medical School
Challenges in Rural Surgical
Robert Sticca,
MD, Fargo, ND
Professor and Chairman,
Department of Surgery, University of North Dakota SMHS
Colon Cancer Care in the
Rural Community: Are We Good Enough?
Michael Sarap,
MD, Cambridge, OH
Clinical Instructor, Department
of Surgery, Wright State University Boonshoft College
of Medicine, Dayton Ohio; Outgoing Chair, American College of Surgeons Advisory
Council for Rural Surgery
Rural Surgery and a Rural
Surgical Society
Daniel Margo, MD, Grand
Rapids, MN
Staff Surgeon
Saturday 6/26/2021 10:15am-12pm
Physician Wellness and Ethics
A surgeon’s life is typically very hectic. The
day-to-day stress of the profession can expedite burn-out and cause other
health issues as well. During this session, participants will learn about
several approaches to physician well-being. In addition, a primer on retirement
planning will be included for both younger and more senior surgeons. Finally,
as part of our annual effort to include ethics related programing a discussion
of the ethics of a pandemic will be presented.
Moderators: Harry Anderson, III, MD and
Mariela Rivera, MD
Wellness Journey: The Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine
James Wudel,
MD, Sioux Falls, SD
Clinical Associate
Professor of Surgery / CT Surgery, USD SSOM
Building Well-Being into
Culture: The Sanford Health Experience.
Luis Garcia, MD, Sioux Falls,
President, Clinic Sanford Health System Interim Chief
Medical Officer Sanford Health Plan Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery
University of North Dakota, School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Success Factors for
Retirement: What to Know If Years Away or in Retirement Today
David Mandell, JD, MBA,
Cincinnati, OH
Partner, OJM Group; Attorney
Surgical Resident Wellbeing
and the SECOND Trial
Jon Ryckman,
MD, Sioux Falls, SD
Assistant Professor,
Surgery and Pediatrics, University of South Dakota; Associate Program Director,
USD SSOM Residency in General Surgery
Plagues and People
Frank Bongiorno, MD, MPS,
Murfreesboro, TN
Adventures in Learning
Community Education
Saturday 6/26/2021 12:30pm-1pm
Special Luncheon Lecture Dr. Arno Roscher Endowed Lecture
Dr. Arno A. Roscher has been a Fellow of the
International College of Surgeons since 1968. Dr. Roscher has been very active in
ICS activities throughout his over 50 years as a member. He has also held
numerous elected leadership positions at both the US Section and International
levels. When he contributed $100,000 to the US Section in 2009 the Dr. Arno A.
Roscher Endowed Lecture was established. This year marks the twelfth
presentation of this special lecture that has featured renowned physicians
presenting on varied topics ranging from the Reduction of Health Disparities to
Molecular Genetic Testing to Dr. Raabe’s presentation
this year on Stem Cell Therapies.
Moderator: Thav Thambi-Pillai, MD
Cell Therapies: Facts or Fiction?
Tobias Raabe, PhD,
Philadelphia, PA
Research Assistant
Professor of Genetics, Division of Translational Medicine and Human Genetics,
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Saturday 6/26/2021 2pm-4pm
The Influence of Robotics and Technology in Surgery
The use of a robotic surgery system enhances precision,
flexibility and control during an operation. The surgeon can see the site
better compared with traditional techniques. Using a surgical robot, delicate
and complex procedures that may have been difficult or impossible with other
approaches can now be achieved. Robotic surgery involves risk and isn't an
option for everyone. During this session, participants will learn about the
most recent advances and uses of a robotic surgery system in various specialties.
In addition, learners will be informed how to implement robotic use in your
practice. This session will also include a special virtual presentation by the
ICS World President.
Moderators: Sharique Nazir, MD and Hassan
Al-Turaihi, MD
Role of 3D Printing in Hepatobiliary Surgery: Challenges and Opportunities
Georgios Tsoulfas, MD, PhD,
Thessaloniki, Greece (ICS World President)
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Department of Transplantation Surgery, Aristotle University
Becoming a Total Practice
Robotic General Surgeon
Curtis Peery, MD, Sioux
Falls, SD
Clinical Assistant
Professor of Surgery, Sanford University of South Dakota, Director of Bariatric
USD Medical Center
The Role of Endoscopic Myotomy in the Management of Gastrointestinal Motility
Andrew Luhrs,
MD, Providence, RI
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, Brown University
Evolution and Role of
Robotic Surgery in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer
D. Rohan Jeyarajah, MD, Richardson,
Professor of Surgery, TCU/UNTHSC School of Medicine
Adopting New Robotic
Technologies for Hernia Repair
Marcoandrea Giorgi, MD,
Providence, RI
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Tightening the Belt: New
Treatment Therapies for GERD
Yalini Vigneswaran, MD, MPH, Chicago, IL
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, University of Chicago
Saturday 6/26/2021 4pm-6pm
Annual Research Scholarship Competition
Surgical Residents and Medical Students will participate
in this annual contest. Submissions will initially be judged by the Scholarship
Committee. Qualifying candidates will then make an oral presentation during the
Annual Surgical Update. Oral presentations will also be judged by a special
panel during the meeting in Minneapolis. Scores will be combined to determine
the winners of various prizes (including a monetary grand prize). Attendees
will be presented with fascinating information by some of the brightest young
minds in medicine.
Moderators: Tracy Sambo, MD and Dixon
Santana, MD
Training Programs Across Rural Africa Better Prepare Surgeons for Humanitarian
Disasters than US-Based Training
Michael Traynor,
MD, MPH, Rochester, MN
Resident, Mayo Clinic
Systematic Review of
Procedural Healthcare Simulation in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Sarah Lund, MD, Rochester, MN
Resident, Mayo Clinic
Management of
Sternoclavicular Joint Infection: A Single Center Experience
Thomas Marsden, MD,
Lexington, KY
Resident, University of
Lung Cancer in Young
Adults: A Single Center Experience
Stuart Jones, BS, Lexington,
Medical Student, University
of Kentucky
Outcomes of Pancreatic
Cyst: Analysis of 90,958 Patients from Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database.
Kenji Okumura, MD, Valhalla,
Resident, Department of Surgery,
Westchester Medical Center and New York Medical College
Early and Late
Postoperative Complications of Mandible Reconstruction: Osseous Versus Soft
Tissue Flaps
Jake Goldstein, Medical
Student, Forest Park, IL
Medical Student, Loyola
University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
Clinical Characteristics,
Management, and Outcomes of Patients with Primary Cardiac Angiosarcoma:
A Systematic Review
Gabriel De la Cruz Ku, MD,
Rochester, MN
Resident Physician, General
Surgery, Mayo Clinic
A Closed Loop Clinical
Audit on Surgical Safety Checklist
Akatya Vidushi Sinha, MBBS, Mumbai, India
Medical Student, MGM
Medical College
Online Survey Among Doctors
of Nepal on Re-utilization of Surgical Tools from Developed Nations
Shrinit Babel, Lutz, FL
College Freshman, Pre-Med
Student at the University of South Florida, Judy Genshaft
Honors College
Perioperative Mortality
Rate in a Low Resource, Non-Governmental Organization Hospital.
Yuki Ng, MBBS,
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Junior Doctor, Sarawak
General Hospital
Neurosurgical Thoracolumbar
Wound Complicated by CSF Fistula Open for 29 Days, Achieved Definitive Sutureless Closure Within 12 Days After Implantation of
Porcine Urinary Bladder Matrix
Jasmin Rahesh,
MS, MBA, Amarillo, TX
Medical Student, Texas Tech
University School of Medicine
Risk Factors for Failure of
Non-Operative Management in Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage and Blunt
Splenic Injury
Nicole Boswell, BS,
Greenville, SC
Medical Student, University
of South Carolina School of Medicine
Definitive Closure of a
Ballistic Shotgun Injury with Extensive Soft Tissue Loss to the Right Thigh
using ABRA Adhesive Dynamic Tissue System (DTS) and
Porcine Urinary Bladder Matrix (PUBM)
Rohan Anand, MBA, Amarillo,
Medical Student, Texas Tech
University School of Medicine
Case Report of Azygous Vein
Injury from Blunt Force Trauma: Surgical Management and Literature Review
Annie Snitman,
Lubbock, TX
Medical Student, Texas Tech
University School of Medicine