Welcome Letters

ICS - World President 

I would like to thank Dr. Siva Vithiananthan and his organizing committee for the kind invitation to write a welcome message for the 85th Surgical Update of the United States Section of the International College of Surgeons, to be held at the Wyndham Philadelphia Historic District Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 25-27, 2024. The ICS United States Section is highly respected and is extremely important, a key "cornerstone" in the structure of the International College of Surgeons.

As the ICS World President, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all Fellows of ICS as well as all the other delegates with the full confidence and assurance that this Surgical Update will offer high quality value in academic communications, surgical camaraderie, and social activities. I am certain it will be informative and helpful in staying abreast of rapid developments in our profession.

The central theme “Together we operate: Building sustainable infrastructure and capacity in global surgery” is well chosen, appropriate and actual. The ICS has, for the past years, put a lot of effort into humanitarian surgery and has planned to get even more involved in the following years in achieving the goal of universal health coverage 2030 set by the WHO. The guest speakers are very qualified, and the scientific program is excellent, Including presentations on Global Surgery and topics designed to improve scientific knowledge and development of new surgical skills. Throughout these presentations, the focus will continue to be to raise the standards for safe surgery around the world, while at the same time addressing the unmet humanitarian needs of millions of people. These underprivileged patients’ needs must be recognized and addressed. A Session “ICS and Latin America” will contribute greatly to strengthen relationships and promote collaboration regionally. ICSUS will once again be joined by the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedics Surgeons, who will hold their Annual Scientific Meeting during the Surgical Update on Friday and Saturday. This will add prestige and quality to the event.

The core mission of the International College of Surgeons is humanitarian surgery. Four supporting missions are education, communications, presentation of research data, and leadership. All these missions are being addressed in this 85th surgical update.

In fulfilling our missions, we have ongoing continuing challenges. We have a wonderful legacy from the founder of the international college of surgeons eighty-nine (89) years ago, Dr. Max Thorek. His founding philosophy is as true today, even more so, than when he founded the college in 1935. The first challenge is not to forget, not to separate from his legacy. We must raise the standards for safe surgery around the world, while at the same time addressing the unmet needs of millions of people. And yes, we must embrace and, when possible, utilize the new technologies and procedures that are being developed.

We must also strive to achieve sustainability in all global humanitarian settings of surgery. We must assume the responsibility of training local people to capably carry on the work of the visiting humanitarian surgical teams. As Dr. Max Thorek so clearly indicated, we must be teachers and students, all at one and the same time. And we must also significantly collaborate with other entities. “We must work together” like never before this time. That is what this surgical update is all about.

I hope that you will have the time to enjoy the wonderful “city of brotherly love”. The multi-cultural aspect of the city, its national historic sites and famous food will add to a very enjoyable social and cultural program. An ideal situation to renew friendships and strengthen surgical networking amongst colleagues who share the high ideals of the ICS.

I wish the congress organizers every success and all the participants a very enjoyable and beneficial experience at the United States Section 85th Annual Surgical Update. It is my hope our ICS fellows will also introduce their younger colleagues into the college at this event. May this important event bring us one big step closer to our ICS vision: “To improve the lives of patients through the development and education of our members and the advancement of the medical field.”

Guido Parquet Villagra, MD, FICS
World President
International College of Surgeons

ICS - United States Section President

I am extremely delighted to welcome you to the 85th Annual Surgical Update of the United States Section of the International College of Surgeons. We are assembled here in Philadelphia to participate in this annual gathering of surgeons and surgical specialists. Our conference includes scientific presentations that encompass a variety of specialties, which in general have an underlying relationship to global surgery. This educational activity will provide informative data for the general surgeon as well as specialists, providing both multidisciplinary and specialty specific educational content.

We are once again joined by the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons. I am pleased that our colleagues from the Academy will conduct their 47th Annual Scientific Meeting on Friday and Saturday. On behalf of all the Fellows of International College of Surgeons I extend a warm welcome to the Academy Chair, Dr. Sudhir Rao and our AANOS colleagues, wishing them great success during their program.

As you review the provided meeting details, you will note that we have developed an extremely interesting scientific program. You will hear from colleagues from around the world as they tell us about their respective projects, research and experiences. I am thrilled that we are joined by our ICS World President from Paraguay, Dr. Guido Parquet. He will make two presentations during the conference. Please be sure to note the times of his presentations as you plan your time with us. We are very grateful that he is able to join us this year. ICS Fellows as well as other international guests are also scheduled to join us from Argentina, the Czech Republic, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. I hope everyone makes it to Philadelphia safely and our international guests have a pleasant visit.

I wish to highlight three special presentations that will be made during the meeting. First, Dr. Harry Sax from Cedars in LA will make the Keynote Presentation during the Opening Session. Dr. Sax will present, “International Medicine Initiatives - A New Opportunity for Your Institution?” Closing out the Opening Session will be our annual presentation of the Andre Crotti lecture. This year we are pleased to honor someone you may know or at least heard of, Dr. Patricia Numann, Past President of ACS and renowned pioneer of women in surgery as well as a strong advocate for global surgery. She will present, “Being Part of the Solution.” And finally on Saturday, Dr. Rocco Orlando will present the Dr. Arno Roscher Endowed Lecture. During this very special lecture, Dr. Orlando will present, “Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Ensuring the Promise and Managing the Risks.” Please be sure to be there for these highly anticipated lectures.

On a final note, I encourage everyone to attend the Honors Luncheon on Saturday. During this break from the standard educational program we will welcome our newest members and recognize those who have made significant contributions to our esteemed organization. I look forward to seeing you there. I hope you are able enjoy our excellent host city during your visit with us in Philadelphia.

There is much to do and I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity.

Welcome to Philadelphia, the birthplace of our nation!

Siva Vithiananthan, MD, FICS
President, United States Section
International College of Surgeons

The AANOS Chair of the Board

It is my privilege to welcome you to the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (AANOS). We are gathered here at the Wyndham Historic District Hotel for our annual educational program.

Our conference will provide information on a variety of Neurological, Orthopaedic and Spine related topics as well as a few that are of a more general nature, but extremely interesting. I encourage you to review the information available on the meeting APP to learn all about the various speakers and their presentations. I am delighted that in this year’s program we have included a number of speakers from Philadelphia and the surrounding area. Joining us from Penn will be several distinguished members of their faculty who will provide fascinating insight regarding their areas of expertise. My sincere gratitude is extended to Dr. Bill Welch, who was instrumental in the development of our program.

I am pleased that the International College of Surgeons, as our educational partner, has worked closely with our Scientific Organizing Committee to develop additional programming that is likely to be of interest to all surgical specialties. I encourage every member of the Academy to peruse the program and participate in as many sessions as possible to earn the maximum number of CME credits.

I hope you have a most enjoyable visit to this historic city during our annual meeting!

Sudbir B. Rao, MD
President and Chair of the Board
American Academy of
Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons